Dont Always Trust The label
As I have previously mentioned Clematis come in 3 Group's. I wanted to get a new Clematis so I picked up this Ville De Lyon. On the front of the packet it states that this Clematis is Group 1 However it's actually a group 3 plant. meaning instead of pruning at the end of flowering you prune early on in the season around February cutting the plant to about a foot from the ground and it starts to grow back from fresh each year.
Further reading on the web Here and Here Show that this Clematis is a Herbaceous Variety that should be cut very low either in late autumn or early spring. The flowers appear on new growth. The flowers start off early in the season (fairly large rather like my champaign Clematis) and get smaller through out the season.
As the plant grows the lower part tends to go brown and woody and loose all its foliage so its a good idea to grow the lower part hidden by or through a rose as a companion plant. I have added a picture to show the flowers type. This is not in my garden. This is another good article worth a read
Ville De Lyon has Red to Purple flowers with a pink bar, a profusion of flowers which last most of the summer. So for me I am looking forward to having something that flowers latter in the season than my other two Clematis
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