Friday, 7 March 2014

summer time bulbs 75 pack

Summer time Bulbs 75 pack for £1. 

Picked up 75 Bulbs for £1 Still not sure if this is a bargin or not. let me explain the  pack contain.

12 * Peacock Orchid Acididerthera Flowers July - October
8 * Gladiolus "Priscilla" Flowers Flowers July - October
25 * Liatris Spicata Flowers August - October
30 * Oxalis Dappei Flowers July to September

Nearly half the pack is 4 leaf clover. Wood Sorrel, and Sorrel can bolt and take over your whole garden so i will have to keep my eye on it. The pack comes with nearly no information so bellow is a summery of the information i have managed to glean from the net. I am excited about some of these plants
Common Name:Acidanthera murielae, Abyssinian gladiolus
Botanical Name:Gladiolus callianthus
Exposure:Full sun and shelter
Hardiness:Zones 8-10, elsewhere lift in fall and store indoors
Height:12" To 24"
Bloom Season:Mid SummerLate Summer
Bulb/Plant Size:14+cm, exceptionally large
Common Name:Gladiolus Priscilla
Botanical Name:Gladiolus Priscilla
Exposure:Full sun
Hardiness:Zones 8-10, elsewhere lift in fall and store indoors
Color:Flowers have a flush of bright rose over white and creamy highlights
Bloom Season:Mid to late summer, averages 70-75 days from planting
Bulb/Plant Size:16+cm, exceptionally large
Number:8 huge bulbs

Common Name:Dense Blazing Star, Kansas Gay Feather
Botanical Name:Liatris Spicata
Exposure:Full sun
Hardiness:Zones 4-0, 
Height:2 foot
Color:Purple/ Lavender Flower
Bloom Season:Early Fall; Fall; Late Summer; Summer
Bulb/Plant Size:12-12cm
Number:25 bulbs

Common Name:Oxalis Iron Cross, Good Luck Plant
Botanical Name:Oxalis deppei
Exposure:Full sun to light shade
Hardiness:Zones 8-10
Color:Rosy pink flowers and foliage with purple cross-shaped markings
Bloom Season:Flowers in 10-12 weeks from planting
Bulb/Plant Size:4/5 cm bulbs
Number:30 bulbs

Time for an update as we are nearly at the end of September. The Oxalis was the first to come out and has been fairly constant throughout the summer. The display in the front garden was far better than the one in the back garden. but under the porch didnt start off too well see the note at the end of the page

the Liatris Spicata has just finished flowering. It didn't start until late in the season but did look fantastic. I will try to add some photos when I get the opportunity at a later date. 

Gladiolus Priscilla only a few came up but they did look fantastic. 

and finely Gladiolus callianthus. I think that they made a mistake in packaging as I had Red Gladioli come up where I thought that the Gladiolus callianthus had been planted. and a few of those came up then dissapeared in a matter of days. still not sure why. I think that the front garden under the porch might have been a bit too dry. I might have to reduce the bed that side next year but maybe make it wider as it was so narrow everything seemed squashed in there this year

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